I don't know about you but I love to go to estate sales and yard sales and barn sales and thrift stores and...and...wow I really do not have a problem! I justify my madness by utilizing my finds in a unique way. I have a few friends who still think it's junk but I don't care...it makes me happy see those poor little leftovers that nobody wants become something that someone just might enjoy! It is so much better than eating leftovers from the fridge and better for your waistline. I recently discovered Craigslist and it did not take me long to regularly scan for an incredible bargain but oh my I was afraid of the free section! I don't know why maybe the spammers/scammers could be a problem or maybe it was just to good to be true...I need that dramatic music here. I finally saw an ad for leftover yard sale stuff and it happened to be less than a mile away. I made Ronnie get out of the truck and take a look. I could see the beautiful table that was unfortunately falling apart and now that I am in an apartment with no workshop as I had before I knew she had to stay...but she had friends. I found a cute little table type thing. I think this aspiring side table was a part of something else but I saw some potential so loaded it up! I also found a few items in a box and here they are.

I am sure they were wonderful candle holders at one time but they need a little help! I cleaned them up, and painted them black. I was out of spray paint so I used licorice acrylic.
I love the way black or white makes it all better! Now a little distressing and dry brush in a vanilla acrylic and they can be used together or individually. I love to make soy candles and now I have a reason!
I like it! Can not wait to add it to the left over table when I am done. I will give you a sneak peek! I still have tons of prep!
Wish me luck! I think I am gonna need it!
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